Fruitful visit of Kaare Christensen to Molecular Epidemiology research group


Kaare Christensen, Danish epidemiologist and biostatistician at the University of Southern Denmark, visited the group of Molecular Epidemiology to discuss collaboration within the ZonMW Open Competition project investigating the socio-genetic pathways of human ageing rate and longevity. The research group of this project headed by Eline Slagboom including Niels van Berg, Pasquale Putter, Mar Rodriguez-Girondo and Marian Beekman discussed potential research questions that can be answered especially by the group of Kaare Christensen in Odense by the use [...]


Defense of Sigurdur Sigurdsson in Leiden on Icelandic AGES-Reykjavik ageing study, highlights long-standing collaboration


Sigurdur Sigurdsson has been awarded a PhD doctorate on his extensive work on the AGES-Reykjavik study (Age/Gene-Environmental Susceptibility). This population-based longitudinal study followed a community cohort of Icelandic participants collecting multiple phenotypes including sampling of genetic material, blood chemistry, cognitive test batteries and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This work from Sigurdur and many others, including Leiden radiologists that contributed to the MRI sampling methods especially, has generated some landmark studies on risk factors and protective factors of cardiovascular- [...]


PhD defense Leon Martens: Oxidants and anti-oxidants

On Wednesday March 29th 2023 Leon Martens will defend his PhD thesis “Oxidants and antioxidants as targets for cardiovascular disease prevention: evidence from observational and causal inference studies”. You can join in the Academiegebouw or through the livestream (link below)


LEGend Lecture Cycle: Unravelling the secrets of healthy ageing by studying the genetic make-up of long-lived individuals

Joris Deelen, PhD Group Leader, Research Group Deelen2022

We invite you to the lecture of Joris Deelen on 13 February at 12pm in room P-05-34.


Advancing age is the major risk factor for many serious illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and dementia. However, individuals that reach an exceptional old age often seem to escape or delay age-related diseases, and part of this trait seems to be encoded in their genome. We, and others, previously performed several large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify genetic variants involved in longevity [...]


LEGend Researchers Start Dementia and Glympathics Imaging Study: WHIMAS


Top: The ultra high-field 7 Tesla MRI scanner at the LUMC is used in the study — Credits C.J. Gorter MRI Center

A new study on brain imaging by LEGend researchers, the WHIMAS study, has recently started data collection from memory clinic patients at the LUMC. The aim is to study novel cerebrovascular correlates of cognitive impairment and dementia on brain scans.

Dementia is a severe multifactorial, age-related disease resulting in memory loss and cognitive decline. It is often associated [...]


LEGend Lecture Cycle: Longevity-enriched families–How did they succeed?


We invite you to a LEGend lecture of Professor Kaare Christensen on 21 February, 16:00 hrs in lecture hall 5 at the LUMC. Professor Christensen dedicated his career to ageing research in the Danish Twin Registry and Familial Longevity studies. He is a wonderful speaker and a very nice person to talk to, so come and visit his lecture entitled: Longevity-enriched families. How did they succeed?

Bio sketch

Kaare Christensen (born June 20, 1959) is a Danish epidemiologist and [...]


PhD defense: Nicolien van Vliet – thyroid and ageing

On January 25th 2023 at 13:45 hrs, Nicolien van Vliet will defend her PhD thesis titled “Is thyroid status a common denominator of age-related disease?”. You can join in person at the Academiegebouw in Leiden, or via the livestream.


UNC-ZH symposium (Dutch only)


On March 23th the yearly UNC-ZH Symposium will take place in the LUMC Burumazaal from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM. This year’s theme is “Magie van Zorgtechnologie” and the symposium is accessible for all healthcare professionals of UNC-ZH member organisation, including the LUMC. The symposium will be in Dutch. See the program in the infographic below or on the website: Register now by clicking the link under “Event summary” below.

