Call for abstracts from young researchers for the Leiden International (Bio)Medical Student Conference


Would you like to present your research to an international audience and compete for prizes of up to €1000? Join the Leiden International (Bio)Medical Student Conference (LIMSC), taking place from May 14 to 18, 2025, in Leiden!

LIMSC is one of the largest international student conferences, organized right here at the LUMC. The conference features an extensive scientific program, including inspiring lectures by renowned speakers, a symposium on Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, and a unique platform for students to present [...]


Lecture: Determinants and cardiometabolic consequences of the gut microbiome composition


Tove Fall will present her research in Lecture Hall 3 in the main LUMC building at 12 o’clock on the 16th of January, 2025. She is a Professor of Molecular Epidemiology at the Department of Medical Sciences at Uppsala University.

Prof. Tove Fall

Tove Fall’s research focuses on the identification of factors determining the onset and progression of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She will present findings from her research group on large [...]


Hanneke Smaling most talented Dutch Dementia Researcher


On Friday November 15th dr. Hanneke Smaling was awarded the Alzheimer Nederland Research Talent Award 2024, along with a grant of € 150.000,-. Alzheimer Nederland has appointed her as most talented Dutch dementia researcher, in the category 5 to 8 years post PhD.

Smaling investigates how technological interventions can improve quality of life of nursing home residents with dementia. For example, technology can reduce workload of healthcare professionals or improve personalized healthcare, like emotional intelligent robots. Through this award, Alzheimer [...]


ZonMw awards €200.000 grant to Annelies van Rijn & team


Annelies van Rijn & her project team obtained a €200.000 research grant from ZonMw to investigate how the living arrangement of people with Korsakoff syndrome can be optimized, so they can experience as much independence and quality of life as possible.

Annelies van Rijn (left)

Regional expertise centre Domus Nostra from Saffier (The Hague) intends to set-up a pilot in which a selected group of residents with Korsakoff syndrome will take a step towards more independent living. Annelies and [...]


New edition of the ‘’Kennisagenda voor langdurige Ouderenzorg’’

Voorzijde Kennisagenda

The six collaborating Academic Networks for Elderly Care (SANO) launched a ‘’Kennisagenda voor de langdurige ouderenzorg’’ in 2022. An update of this ‘’Kennisagenda’’ is published annually during the SANO Science Day. In the new edition of October 2024, three new themes have been added to the ‘’Kennisagenda’’. It concerns the themes of dementia at a young age, Interprofessional collaboration and Shared decision-making.

Click here for more information: kennisagenda-oktober-2024.pdf



LUMC students and employees protest against billion-euro budget cuts on higher education


Last Monday, 26th of November, was marked by a large protest on the “monstrous” pending budget cuts imposed by the new Dutch goverment. The main message of the protest, the calls to cancel these cuts, was aimed at the main proponent of the cuts Eppo Bruins, minister of Education, Culture and Science. The budget cuts are accompanied by a controversial “fine” of 3000 euros per year for students who take longer than planned to finish their higher education. The cuts [...]


LEGend PhD Day 2025: From Womb to Wrinkles



Register for the LEGend PhD Day, January 27th, 2025!

We are excited to invite all PhD students and other researchers interested in the LEGend research theme to participate in this symposium!

Please fill out this Google form or scan the QR to guarantee your spot! Participation in the event is free. If needed, you will receive an educational certificate.

The LEGend PhD Day is a unique opportunity to connect with PhD students and other researchers focusing on [...]


Researchers network on care for persons in a late stage of dementia

Twenty junior and postdoctoral researchers from five Dutch universities with academic networks for long-term care met in Leiden to learn about the research we are all doing on care for persons in a late stage of dementia. This first meeting, an initiative of Dr Jenny van der Steen (LUMC and Radboudumc) and Dr Judith Meijers (Maastricht University) showed the wonderful work done in our country and an eagerness to connect, collaborate and enhance our work. A network to be continued…



Successful participation of UNC-ZH at Nacht van Ontdekkingen 2024


On September 14, UNC-ZH, in collaboration with the Master Health Aging and Society and LCO participated in Nacht van Ontdekkingen, a festival celebrating art and science in Leiden.

Interactive activities focused on research

Melanie van der Velde – van Buuringen delivered an inspiring presentation about the Vital Garden, sharing beautiful memories of outdoor activities and highlighting the importance of spending time outside.

Charlotte Poot, Tosca van Hoorde, and Reon Smits from Mentech organized an engaging activity centered around the MASQUE [...]
