Annual meeting Dutch Society for Research on Ageing (DuSRA)

Dusra (3)

We are pleased to announce the annual meeting of The Dutch Society for Research on Ageing (DuSRA) that will take place from 15 June till 16 June 2023 at the University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

Mihai Netea (Radboud UMC, Nijmegen), Collin Ewald (ETH Zürich), and Ron Jachimowicz, (MPI Biology of Aging, Cologne).

Abstract submission deadline May 15th 2023

To try to improve structural support for aging research in the Netherlands for the coming years, the [...]


ERACE Study started on the intergenerational transmission of parental adverse childhood experiences


Researchers at Health Campus the Hague (LUMC) and the Juliana Children’s Hospital (the Hague), have started a new study on the intergenerational transmission of parental adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). These are potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood. ACEs can have long-lasting negative consequences. Recent literature even suggests that parents can transmit their ACEs onto their children. Children born to parents with ACEs have a higher risk of being born prematurely or small for gestational age. The mechanisms of intergenerational [...]


LEGend Lecture Cycle: Two decades of LUMC Lifecourse ageing research–the Leiden Longevity Study cohort


You are all invited to join our next exciting Lecture Cycle session on the 19th of June from 17.00-18.00 in J-01-116 (LUMC building 1), route 554, or via Microsoft Teams. In the session we will discuss the Leiden Longevity Study (LLS), one of the most original and deeply phenotyped LUMC cohort studies with over 20 years of follow up aimed at establishing determinants of health, (co)morbidity, mortality and longevity. Numerous publications and collaborations have resulted from this study.

This [...]


Ed Maartense Symposium: kankerbehandeling bij ouderen (Dutch only)


Ed Maartense Symposium

In het Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis is sedert jaar en dag aandacht voor de behandeling van oncologische patiënten op oudere leeftijd en de specifieke zorg die past bij hun behandeling. Dr. Ed Maartense was een van de pioniers in dit aandachtsgebied. Meer dan 30 jaar heeft hij zich als internist hematoloog en oncoloog toegelegd op de behandeling van oudere patiënten met kanker en zeer veel jongere collegae opgeleid in de geriatrische oncologie. Ter nagedachtenis aan hem [...]


LUMC Radiology PhD students win lay communication contest at ISMRM Benelux conference


At the ISMRM Benelux conference in Brussels, Belgium, Bárbara Schmitz Abecassis and Ingmar Eiling of the LUMC Radiology and C.J. Gorter MRI Center were awarded first prize of a lay-person communication contest. Submissions were judged by researchers and a patient group for their style and ability to make complex ideas accessible to non-experts.

Bárbara explained her work in glioma MR imaging (a type of brain cancer) using chemical exchange saturation transfer, or CEST, in a non-technical summary. Ingmar made a [...]


A word of caution: Regression to the mean in (biological) age prediction


When predicting biological age in research, regression to the mean can be an issue. Marije Sluiskes and others from LEGend posted a PubPeer comment (a postpublication peer review platform) to a recent publication of Daunay et al. 2022 (Aging) which did not consider this phenomenon.

Daunay et al. compare four types of epigenetic clocks in three groups: semi-supercentenarians (mean age ± standard deviation: 101.3 ± 1.4), offspring of nonagenarians and centenarians (61.2 ± 6.1), and individuals from the general [...]


Converis Graduate School module walk-in sessions


In the LUMC, every 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 12.00 o’clock, a walk-in session will be held to help PhD candidates with the Converis Graduate School module. The Graduate School office will provide tips & tricks and answer any questions regarding PhD milestones and practical issues. The first session will be held on April 11th, 2023.

Walk-in sessions will also be held for Primary Thesis advisors – these will be held on the last Thursday once every quarter, also [...]


New professionals in the field of Vitality & Ageing!


A new group of students from the Master’s Vitality & Ageing have received their diploma in the Academic Building of the University of Leiden. This Master’s prepares students for an important role in improving the future of our care. The program can be followed in one fulltime year. However, since 2021, there is also the option to do it in two part-time years and thus combine it with a professional career or second Master’s. The unique, future-focused and interdisciplinary Master’s [...]


Fruitful visit of Kaare Christensen to Molecular Epidemiology research group


Kaare Christensen, Danish epidemiologist and biostatistician at the University of Southern Denmark, visited the group of Molecular Epidemiology to discuss collaboration within the ZonMW Open Competition project investigating the socio-genetic pathways of human ageing rate and longevity. The research group of this project headed by Eline Slagboom including Niels van Berg, Pasquale Putter, Mar Rodriguez-Girondo and Marian Beekman discussed potential research questions that can be answered especially by the group of Kaare Christensen in Odense by the use [...]
