Keynote lecture: Sleep Disorders with Aging – A clinical and Biological Perspective

In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture titled “Sleep Disorders with Aging: A clinical and Biological Perspective”, by professor Susan Redline MPH of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hosptial, Boston, MA, USA. This lecture will be held on October 10th, 2022.


Keynote lecture: Trade-offs between growth and aging


In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture titled “Trade-offs between growth and aging”, by professor dr. Andrzej Bartke of University School of Medicine, Springfield, USA. This lecture will be held on October 4th, 2022.


Keynote lecture: Reversing Cellular Senescence

In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture with as topic “Reversing Cellular Senescence”, by dr. Peter de Keizer of University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. This lecture will be held on September 27th, 2022.


Keynote lecture: Cellular Senescence

In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture with as topic “Cellular Senescence”, by dr. Marco Demaria of University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. This lecture will be held on September 26th, 2022.


Thesis defence Jiao Luo MPH (Clinical Epidemiology/Geriatrics and Gerontology)


The theme Lifecourse Epidemiology and Geroscience is proud to announce that miss Jiao Luo MPH (Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Internal Medicine – Section of Gerontology and Geriatrics) will defend her thesis titled “Oxidative Stress in Chronic Disease: Causal Inference from Observational Studies”



Keynote lecture: Reproductive Ageing

In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture with as topic “Reproductive Ageing”, by dr. Felix Day of University of Cambridge, UK. This lecture will be held on September 20th, 2022.


Keynote lecture: Developments in -healthy- lifespan


In collaboration with the Master Vitality and Ageing, we are pleased to invite you for the lecture titled: “Developments in -healthy- lifespan” by professor dr. Rudi G.J. Westendorp of University of Copenhagen, Denmark. This lecture will be held on September 19th, 2022 (16:00 – 17:00 hr).


SANO Wetenschapsdag (only in Dutch)

SANO Wetenschapsdag 2022 met logo’s

Elk jaar organiseren de Samenwerkende Academische Netwerken Ouderenzorg de SANO Wetenschapsdag, in 2022 is het UNC-ZH de organisator en host. We richten ons op de kern van onze netwerken: het onderzoek en onderzoek doen in de ouderenzorg. Hoe komen we tot onderzoek, hoe gaan we aan de slag en wat brengt het ons en de ouderenzorg? Wat voedt de wetenschap in de ouderenzorg? Een symposium voor en door onderzoekers uit de netwerken om elkaar te inspireren en verder te brengen.


LEGend strategic retreat


On October 17th 2022 the Theme will organise its first strategic retreat. The aim of the meeting will be to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking for all researchers throughout the LUMC and to formulate integrated research pipelines and common grant opportunities.
The meeting will start at 09:00 hrs in Fletcher hotel Leiden. Please register through the link below.


Leiden City of Science: Public Day “Lifecourse”

Leiden COS presentatie

This year 2022, Leiden is the European City of Science. On June 11th Theme LEGend ornanized a day for the public around the “Lifecourse”, with a comprehensive program covering topics from the beginning of the life course until the end. The program had plenary talks starting from conception and pregnancy and ending with the oldest old. In the Market place visitors were informed by our scientists and experienced the weight of pregnancy and how it feels to be be old.
