The Research Directorate of the LUMC has sought out new grants for funding opportunities in medical research in the coming year(s). This is of interest to any researchers looking for funding to start new (large-scale) projects. Included are grants from two large funding bodies, KWF Kankerbestrijding and NWO. The funding programmes and calls can be summarized as follows:


  • KWF offers a Consortium project with flexible funding and different modules. The deadline is unknown at this time.
  • NWO offers an Open Competition ENW-XL with a pre-proposal deadline of September 19, 2023, and a full proposal deadline of June 6, 2024. The budget is between 1-3 million euros.
  • NWO offers KIC Long-Term Programmes (LTPs) with a deadline for submitting initiatives of June 15, 2023, and a deadline for submitting proposals of January 18, 2024. The budget is between 9-25 million euro by NWO.
  • NWO offers SUMMIT with a pre-proposal deadline of June 20, 2023. The budget is between 15-40 million euro.
  • NWO offers Research Infrastructure (RI): national consortia with an expected new opening in summer 2023. The budget is between 1.5-10 million euro.
  • Lastly, NWO offers the National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities (Roadmap) with the next call expected late in 2023 or in 2024. The budget is about 10-20 million euro.