Jaarlijks UNC-ZH Symposium: Samen voor de ouderenzorg (Dutch only)

Samen voor de ouderenzorg: kennis vanuit onderzoek voor de praktijk

Blijf jij graag op de hoogte van nieuwe kennis voor de ouderenzorg? Schrijf je dan nu in voor het jaarlijks UNC-ZH symposium op vrijdag 15 maart 2024! Er zijn binnen het netwerk veel onderzoeken in de afrondende fase.

Op dit symposium hoor je nu al de bevindingen die er voor de praktijk toe doen. Met een afwisselend programma met presentaties, flitspresentaties en workshops komen verschillende onderwerpen voorbij.

Als lid van [...]


First publication of the EAPC taskforce Advance Care Planning in dementia


Advance care planning is highly relevant for persons with dementia in view of diminishing capacity to express wishes for future care. The commonly cited definitions refer to a continuous process of communication, yet they define advance care planning for person with capacity exclusively. To clarify how to proceed if capacity declines or fluctuates, a taskforce of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) chaired by Dr Jenny van der Steen (LUMC) and Dr Ida Korfage (Erasmus MC), developed a [...]


Healthful plant-based diet associates with greater well-being in older adults

A shift towards a more plant-based diet is promoted as healthy as well as sustainable. Whether this also applies to older adults is however less clear: On one hand plant-based diets may lead to energy deficits among vulnerable older adults and therefore negatively impact well-being. On the other hand, plant-based diets have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting they could be beneficial to older adults, often prone to chronic inflammation.

Using data of the Lifelines cohort study, we therefore [...]


New publication shows blood biomarkers for senescence endotypes in osteoarthritis patients

Accumulation of senescent cells leads to numerous diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA). In this study, we set out to characterize heterogeneity of cellular senescence in aged articular cartilage and explored the presence of corresponding metabolic profiles in blood that could function as representative biomarkers. Hereto we set out to perform cluster analyses, using a gene-set of 131 senescence genes (N=57) in a previously established RNA sequencing dataset of aged articular cartilage, and a generated metabolic dataset in overlapping blood samples.



Lecture by Anil Seth: Consciousness in humans and in other things

Anil Seth’s (Professor Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex) research focuses on the concept “consciousness”. In this lecture, Seth will share his theories about this concept and emphasize that how we look at this has a huge impact on healthcare, AI and (biomedical) research. Seth is not only a researcher, but has also written the bestseller “Being you” and given TedTalks that are viewed by millions of people worldwide.




New publication investigates spontaneous normalization of subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults

With age, the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism rises. However, incidence and determinants of spontaneous normalization remain largely unknown. The aim was therefore to investigate incidence and determinants of spontaneous normalization of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism. Pooled data was used from the (i) pre-trial population, and (ii) in-trial placebo group from two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (TRUST and IEMO thyroid 80-plus thyroid trial). Included were community-dwelling 65 + adults with subclinical hypothyroidism from the Netherlands, [...]


LUMC researchers develop new way to quantify brain white matter damage using MRI


Lesions, or damage, in the white matter of the brain are important markers to track disease progression in several conditions, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Recently, a collaborative study including LUMC and LEGend researchers used a fast MRI approach called multi-component MR Fingerprinting (MRF) to compare components with increased water content in the white matter, often indicating lesions, between patients with and without MS.

They conducted MRI scans on 48 MS patients and 12 healthy controls at two different locations, [...]


Fourth internal call for PhD projects for innovation themes, deadline October 30th


On September 26th, a fourth LUMC call for PhD proposals came out. See the link below for the call text and application formatting (in PDF format) of this round and the format for the application. The deadline to send in your application is October 30th.

The primary objectives of this call are to provide support and recognition to promising early career researchers, encourage their active participation in the research themes, and foster new collaborative opportunities within the LUMC.

To be [...]


PhD defense Paulien van Dam – Q-PID study


LUMC PhD candidate Paulien van Dam will defend her PhD thesis “Quality of life, care dependency and Paracetamol In advanced dementia – Is paracetamol the panacea to improve quality of life?” on the 6th of September at 15.00 o’clock. You can join in person at the Academiegebouw in Leiden, or via the livestream.

View a short movie about the Q-PID study (in Dutch): Q-PID – Animatie – Werkt paracetamol bij gevorderde dementie? – UNC-ZH
