On January 27th, 2025, the first LEGend PhD Day symposium was held at the beautiful Academiegebouw in Leiden. It was an afternoon full of interesting talks and pitches related to its theme — From Womb to Wrinkles — and was received very positively. Interesting discussions were also held during three speeddating rounds in which people were paired with researchers from other departments to ask each other questions on their fields and careers. After the event, a nice borrel provided the much needed refreshments and snacks.

As for the presentations, two winners were chosen by audience vote. Daphne Raad (middle right in photo collage shown below) won the vote for best talk with her topic being Future selfcare: lifestyle choices and behavioural intentions after confrontation with your future self at the Lowlands Science Lab. Dolly Haselager (bottom right photo) won the vote for best 4-minute pitch with her topic Crises among community-dwelling older adults. Congratulations to both!

Many thanks to all the participants and LEGend organizing committee!


Ontwerp zonder titel


For the full set of photos, please contact us