Annelies van Rijn & her project team obtained a €200.000 research grant from ZonMw to investigate how the living arrangement of people with Korsakoff syndrome can be optimized, so they can experience as much independence and quality of life as possible.

Annelies van Rijn (left)
Regional expertise centre Domus Nostra from Saffier (The Hague) intends to set-up a pilot in which a selected group of residents with Korsakoff syndrome will take a step towards more independent living. Annelies and colleagues will evaluate the impact of this pilot on the autonomy and quality of life of the residents. In addition, they will map facilitators and barriers for organizing a more independent living arrangement for people with Korsakoff syndrome. The obtained knowledge will be disseminated and implemented across long-term care organizations in the Netherlands, in collaboration with a national network: het Korsakov Kenniscentrum.

Click here for more information: Een optimaal leefmilieu voor mensen met het syndroom van Korsakov