Pipeline Meeting: Vulnerability across the Lifecourse

During this meeting we will discuss various aspects of vulnerability from inside the womb to later in life.

What are its generic concepts? What is the impact? How can we measure it? What do geriatricians and pediatricians have in common?

Location will follow, hybrid participant on Teams is possible!


PhD defense Mary-Joanne Verhoef


Mary-Joanne Verhoef will defend her thesis entitled “Opportunities to improve palliative care, towards a more patient-centered and proactive approach”. The ceremony will take place at the Academiegebouw in Leiden, and is also viewable on the Leiden University website by livestream.

More information in Dutch:

Met trots kondigen we aan onze eerste eigen promovendus van Expertise Centrum Palliatieve Zorg Leiden University Medical Center, Mary-Joanne Verhoef, die op 23/11/22 haar proefschrift “Opportunities to improve palliative care: towards a more patient-centred and [...]


LEGend Lecture Cycle: LegEND Begins Here!


We are proud to announce a new lecture cycle for the Lifecourse Epidemiology and Geroscience Theme. The title of the program is “LegEND begins here!” and revolves around imaging early life stages and early life complications. The event is on the 12th of December from 17.00, and is programmed as follows:

17.00 | Marie-Louise v.d. Hoorn & Enrico Lopriore | Opening
17.00 – 17.20 | Lisa Lashley | GYN | Complications in early life: fertility preservation
17.20 – [...]


Wilco Achterberg appointed ‘visiting professor’ at University of Nottingham


Professor of elderly care at the LUMC, Wilco Achterberg, has been appointed as visiting professor at the University of Nottingham as of August 1. Congratulations, Wilco! On October 21st he gave a lecture on pain in people with dementia – one of the main collaborative topics between Nottingham and the LUMC – at the event celebrating Ageing and Rehabilitation Research in Nottingham.


First LEGend Strategic Retreat

LEGend Retreat Group Photo

On Octobter 17th, a first strategic retreat was held. During the meeting researcher from throughout the LUMC connected in various innovations pipelines. Discussions covered topics throughout the lifecourse: from inside the womb until late in life. The goal of the meeting was to connect researchers and spark multi-disciplinary collaboration, which was met by great enthusiasm of the participants. As a follow-up of the meeting the pipelines will organise follow-up meetings to further strengthen collaborations. If you want to get involved [...]


Boerhaave Cursus Geriatrische Oncologie (Dutch only)


Boerhaave Nascholing is organizing a course on the treatment of cancer in older adults. This course is in Dutch.

Oncologische behandelingen zijn vaak ontwikkeld voor relatief jonge en vitale patiënten. De behandeling van oudere en kwetsbare patiënten vormt daarom vaak een uitdaging. Door de snelle vergrijzing zien we een sterke toename van oudere patiënten met kanker. Door de grote onderlinge verschillen in vitaliteit vraagt optimale behandeling van ouderen een geïndividualiseerde aanpak. In samenwerking met Boerhaave nascholing is vanuit het LUMC [...]


Grant for research fellowship to investigate wearables in older patients in cancer

Research fellowship Mexico City, Mexico

Is a decline in daily steps during chemotherapy treatment associated with severe toxicities in older patients with cancer? And how do you successfully set up a study with wearables in older cancer patients receiving chemotherapy? PhD student Joosje Baltussen received a grant from Stichting de Drie Lichten to answer these questions during a 6-month research fellowship in Mexico City, Mexico.

As older patients are at higher risk of developing chemotherapy-related toxicities and we face a global lack of healthcare personnel [...]


Leiden Longevity Study (LLS) Participation Day

English Version

On Sunday 18 September 2022 the Leiden Longevity Study (LLS) participation day took place. During this day researchers and more than 330 participants came together to talk about the results that the LLS has garnered until now.

In honour of the 20 year existence of the LLS participants from all over the Netherlands were invited to come together in Corpus Leiden. Here researchers from the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) talked about the many facets of aging research [...]


Nieuwe Kennisagenda Langdurige Ouderenzorg (Dutch only)

Kennisagenda Langdurige Ouderenzorg SANO – editie juli 2022_Page_01

De langdurige ouderenzorg staat in alle zorgvelden volop onder de druk. Dit vraagt om vernieuwing op vele fronten. De zes samenwerkende Academische Werkplaatsen Ouderenzorg (SANO) lanceren daarom een Kennisagenda Langdurige Ouderenzorg.

Met deze nieuwe kennisagenda beschikt de langdurige ouderenzorg over een kompas dat inzicht geeft in de huidige kennistekorten en helpt bij prioritering van kennisontwikkeling. De agenda ondersteunt het beleid dat gericht is op duurzame en goede zorg voor ouderen in een kwetsbare positie. Ook kan met de agenda [...]
