
Aim: UVA radiation drives skin photoaging in the dermis, plausibly via persistent changes to DNA methylation in dermal fibroblasts. Methods: Genome-wide DNA methylation changes after five repeated daily UVA doses were determined at 48 h (transitionary) and 1 week (recovery) post final irradiation. Results: Differential methylation was found at the transitionary time point in active chromatin states near genes that are highly expressed in fibroblasts and are involved in cellular defensive mechanisms; the majority of these methylation differences were restored to control levels after 7 day recovery. At the recovery time point, new differential methylation occurred at repressed regions near developmental genes, normally weakly expressed in fibroblasts. Conclusion: UVA irradiation induces transitionary and recovery-associated DNA methylation responses in fibroblasts with contrasting functional characteristics.

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TitleRepeat UVA exposure of human skin fibroblasts induces both a transitionary and recovery DNA methylation response.
DateApril 1st, 2020
Issue nameEpigenomics
Issue numberv12.7:563-573
AuthorsTilburg J, Slieker RC, Suchiman HED, Heath A, Heemst DV, Slagboom PE, de Gruijl FR, Gunn DA & Heijmans BT
KeywordsUVA irradiation, dermis, fibroblasts, genome-wide DNA methylation, photoaging, skin aging
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