
The detection and treatment of pain is hampered by cognitive disorders. In this review we discuss the epidemiology of pain in cognitive disorders, and elaborate further on the current state of the art on pain in these populations. We will specifically highlight current gaps and recommendations for the future for the following knowledge domains: 1) Biology and neuropathology, 2) Assessment and evaluation, 3) Treatment and management , and 4) Contextual factors such as the organization and education. We identify the following knowledge gaps: 1) (Biology): Do pain experience and pain expressions change in different types of cognitive disorders, and how? 2) (Assessment): How to recognize, evaluate and assess pain, in case the self-report of pain is no longer reliable? 3) (Treatment): Which treatment possibilities are effective? How can we organize this in an interdisciplinary way? And how to monitor this? How can we ensure proper implementation of pain assessment and treatment in clinical practice? Specifically with regard to non-pharmacological treatment, how can we communicate observations from different disciplines, family members and clinicians to improve the detection of pain as well as treatment monitoring/evaluation? 4) (Contextual): How can we increase knowledge and skills on pain in cognitive impairment within educational training?

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Title[Pain and neurocognitive disorders: current state of the art and remaining challenges].
DateNovember 24th, 2022
Issue nameTijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie
Issue numberv53.4
AuthorsAchterberg WP, de Waal MWM, Cheuk-A-Lam-Balrak JMJJ, Crutzen-Braaksma P, van Dalen-Kok A, van Dam P, de Knegt NC, van Kooten J, Lobbezoo F, Smaling HJA, Sprenger GP, van der Steen JT, de Vries CNJ, Zwakhalen SMG, Smalbrugge M & Oosterman JM
KeywordsAssessment, Cognitive impairment, Dementia, Pain, Treatment
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