A primigravid woman with Covid-19 related respiratory insufficiency was admitted into a tertiary Intensive Care Unit at 23 3/7 weeks’ gestation. Highly sensitive flow cytometry of peripheral leukocytes indicated significantly suppressed naïve T- and B-cell compartments. The suppressed immune cell responses led us keep the initially started administration of corticosteroids for fetal and maternal indication at a low dose. After three weeks her B-cell response peaked, SARS-CoV-2 was cleared and clinical improvement ensued a week later. At 28 weeks’ gestation, a son of 1570 g was born by cesarean section. She was extubated two days postpartum and discharged from hospital 5.5 weeks postpartum.

Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Overview publication

TitleDetailed immune monitoring of a pregnant woman with critical Covid-19.
DateFebruary 1st, 2021
Issue nameJournal of reproductive immunology
Issue numberv143:103243
Authorsdu Fossé NA, Bronsgeest K, Arbous MS, Zlei M, Myeni SK, Kikkert M, van Dongen J, Staal F, van der Hoorn M & van den Akker T
KeywordsCovid-19, Flow cytometry, Immune monitoring, Pregnancy
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