
Secondary preventive drug treatment in patients aged > or =60 years with a history of myocardial infarction was investigated for age-dependent differences in time trends. Sixteen general practices in the Netherlands participated. Preventive treatment with at least three of four drugs (antithrombotics, statins, beta-blockers, and/or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) increased significantly over time in all three age strata of older patients. Although the greatest relative increase (2.2 times greater) took place in patients aged > or =80 years, these patients consistently had most room for improvement.

Overview publication

TitleTime trends in preventive drug treatment after myocardial infarction in older patients.
DateJanuary 1st, 2010
Issue nameThe British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Issue numberv60.570:47-9
Authorsde Ruijter W, de Waal MW, Gussekloo J, Assendelft WJ & Blom JW
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