
Studies have shown that a clinical medication review (CMR) reduces drug-related problems (DRPs), but the effects on clinical outcomes are less clear. Perhaps, CMRs in older persons could me more effective when they focus on patients’ personal goals and health-related complaints.


The aim of this study was to investigate whether goal attainment scaling (GAS) is a useful tool for determining goals and monitoring their attainment during CMR.


This study was an analysis based on data of the intervention group of the DREAMeR-study; a randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of CMR in primary care. 315 persons aged ≥70 years using ≥7 drugs were randomised to the intervention: a CMR focused on personal goals using GAS. Outcome measures were: percentage of persons with health-related goals, attainment of goals measured with GAS-scores after three and six months, type of health-related goals and implementation rates of recommendations for GAS-related DRPs and other DRPs.


A total of 406 health-related goals were set for 283 of 315 included persons (90%). Of the 350 evaluated goals (86%), 37% was attained after three months and 43% after six months. The goals ‘reduce pain’ (n = 66, 16%), ‘improve mobility’ (n = 57, 14%) and ‘reduce number of pills’ (n = 37, 9.1%) were most prevalent. The implementation rate of recommendations for GAS-related DRPs was 81% compared to 62% for not GAS-related DRPs (p < 0.05).


Goal setting is important for prioritizing the most important problems during clinical medication review and Goal Attainment Scaling seems to be a useful tool for monitoring the attainment of these goals.

Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Overview publication

TitleThe use of goal attainment scaling during clinical medication review in older persons with polypharmacy.
DateOctober 1st, 2019
Issue nameResearch in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP
Issue numberv15.10:1259-1265
AuthorsVerdoorn S, Blom J, Vogelzang T, Kwint HF, Gussekloo J & Bouvy ML
KeywordsClinical medication review, Drug-related problems, Goal attainment scaling, Older persons, Patient-centred care, Polypharmacy
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