
Spo76p is conserved and related to the fungal proteins Pds5p and BIMD and the human AS3 prostate proliferative shutoff-associated protein. Spo76p localizes to mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, except at metaphase(s) and anaphase(s). During meiotic prophase, Spo76p assembles into strong lines in correlation with axial element formation. As inferred from spo76-1 mutant phenotypes, Spo76p is required for sister chromatid cohesiveness, chromosome axis morphogenesis, and chromatin condensation during critical transitions at mitotic prometaphase and meiotic midprophase. Spo76p is also required for meiotic interhomolog recombination, likely at postinitiation stage(s). We propose that a disruptive force coordinately promotes chromosomal axial compaction and destabilization of sister connections and that Spo76p restrains and channels the effects of this force into appropriate morphogenetic mitotic and meiotic outcomes.

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TitleSpo76p is a conserved chromosome morphogenesis protein that links the mitotic and meiotic programs.
DateJuly 23rd, 1999
Issue nameCell
Issue numberv98.2:261-71
Authorsvan Heemst D, James F, Pöggeler S, Berteaux-Lecellier V & Zickler D
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