
Earlier cross-sectional research in the Netherlands has found that one out of three nursing home patients has a pressure ulcer. The prevalence of other ulcers is unknown.


In eight nursing homes 2295 patients were assessed with the Minimum Data Set (MDS). The mean age of the patients was 82.9 years (SD 7.4) and 70% was female. One third had severe cognitive impairment and only 17% had no or little ADL impairment.


Prevalence of pressure ulcers was: stage 1: 3,6%; stage 2: 2,5%; stage 3: 1,2%; stage 4: 0,8%. Having a pressure ulcer was strongly correlated with ADL dependency: Odds Ratio (OR) 8,4 for moderate ADL-dependency, and OR 35,4 for severe ADL-dependency. Patients with pressure ulcers had more often pain (OR 2,7) and depressive symptoms (OR 2,1). Bowel incontinence was significantly correlated (OR 2,6) with pressure ulcers, just as the presence of an indwelling catheter (OR 3,2) and the use of diapers (OR 2,2), but urinary incontinence was not correlated with pressure ulcers. The prevalence of a venous ulcers was 2,6% and 1,7% had a venous ulcer higher than stage 1. The combination of foot ulcers and diabetes occurred in 1,2%, the combination of a peripheral vascular disease and ulcers in only 0,7%. The use of pressure reducing interventions increased with ADL dependency, nevertheless only 44% of the very dependent patients used these interventions.

Overview publication

Title[Prevalence of ulcers in Dutch nursing homes].
DateJune 1st, 2008
Issue nameTijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie
Issue numberv39.3:115-21
AuthorsAchterberg WP, Frijters DH & Ribbe MW
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