Older people living with frailty are frequent users of emergency care and have multiple and complex problems. Typical evidence-based guidelines and protocols provide guidance for the management of single and simple acute issues. Meanwhile, person-centred care orientates interventions around the perspectives of the individual. Using a case vignette, we illustrate the potential pitfalls of applying exclusively either evidence-based or person-centred care in isolation, as this may trigger inappropriate clinical processes or place undue onus on patients and families. We instead advocate for delivering a combined evidence-based, person-centred approach to healthcare which considers the person’s situation and values, apparent problem and available options.

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TitlePerson-centred decisions in emergency care for older people living with frailty: principles and practice.
DateJuly 26th, 2024
Issue nameEmergency medicine journal : EMJ
Issue numberpubmed:39060102
Authorsvan Oppen JD, Coats T, Conroy S, Hayden S, Heeren P, Hullick C, Liu S, Lucke J, Lukin B, McNamara R, Melady D, Mooijaart SP, Rosen T & Banerjee J
Keywordsemergency departments, ethics, frailty, geriatrics
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