
Aim: To study the application of the meta-tool Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition (PAIC) in a clinical setting in patients with moderate to severe dementia. Materials & methods: Observational study in five Dutch nursing homes, where residents were observed by nurses or nurse-assistants during rest and movement. Prevalence and observer agreement of individual items were examined. Results: An observer agreement of ≥70% was found for most items of the body movement domain and vocalization domain, although prevalence of these behaviors was low (especially during rest). Items of the facial expression domain had a percentage agreement <70%, especially during movement, but with high prevalence of behaviors. Conclusion: The pain assessment in impaired cognition items show promising interobserver and intraobserver agreement in a clinical setting.

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TitlePain assessment in impaired cognition: observer agreement in a long-term care setting in patients with dementia.
DateSeptember 1st, 2019
Issue namePain management
Issue numberv9.5:461-473
Authorsvan Dalen-Kok AH, Achterberg WP, Rijkmans WE, de Vet HC & de Waal MW
Keywordsdementia, interobserver agreement, intraobserver agreement, nursing home, observational measurement instrument, pain, pain assessment, reliability
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