Many candidate biomarkers of human ageing have been proposed in the scientific literature but in all cases their variability in cross-sectional studies is considerable, and therefore no single measurement has proven to serve a useful marker to determine, on its own, biological age. A plausible reason for this is the intrinsic multi-causal and multi-system nature of the ageing process. The recently completed MARK-AGE study was a large-scale integrated project supported by the European Commission. The major aim of this project was to conduct a population study comprising about 3200 subjects in order to identify a set of biomarkers of ageing which, as a combination of parameters with appropriate weighting, would measure biological age better than any marker in isolation.

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Overview publication

TitleMARK-AGE biomarkers of ageing.
DateNovember 1st, 2015
Issue nameMechanisms of ageing and development
Issue numberv151:2-12
AuthorsBürkle A, Moreno-Villanueva M, Bernhard J, Blasco M, Zondag G, Hoeijmakers JH, Toussaint O, Grubeck-Loebenstein B, Mocchegiani E, Collino S, Gonos ES, Sikora E, Gradinaru D, Dollé M, Salmon M, Kristensen P, Griffiths HR, Libert C, Grune T, Breusing N, Simm A, Franceschi C, Capri M, Talbot D, Caiafa P, Friguet B, Slagboom PE, Hervonen A, Hurme M & Aspinall R
KeywordsAgeing biomarkers, Human studies, MARK-AGE
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