
The heritability of smoking initiation (SI) and number of cigarettes smoked (NC) was determined in 3657 Dutch twin pairs. For SI a heritability of 36% was found and for NC of 51%. Both SI and NC were also significantly influenced by environmental factors shared by family members. The etiological factors that influence these traits partly overlap. Linkage analyses were performed on data of 536 DZ twins and siblings from 192 families, forming 592 sibling pairs. Results suggested QTLs on chromosome 6 (LOD=3.05) and chromosome 14 (LOD=1.66) for SI and on chromosome 3 (LOD=1.98) for NC. Strikingly, on chromosome 10 a peak was found in the same region for both SI (LOD=1.92) and for NC (LOD=2.29) which may partly explain the overlapping etiological factors for SI and NC.

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TitleLinkage analysis of smoking initiation and quantity in Dutch sibling pairs.
DateJanuary 1st, 2004
Issue nameThe pharmacogenomics journal
Issue numberv4.4:274-82
AuthorsVink JM, Beem AL, Posthuma D, Neale MC, Willemsen G, Kendler KS, Slagboom PE & Boomsma DI
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