
This is the second in a series of three articles addressing the intersection of interests in behavioral genetics and behavioral medicine. In this article, we use risk factors for cardiovascular disease as a prototypical trait for which behavioral genetic approaches provide powerful tools for understanding how risk factors, behavior, and health outcomes are related. The approach synthesizes a number of methods and areas of interest in an attempt to arrive at a comprehensive, whole-organism understanding of health-related risk factors and their response to behavioral interventions.

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TitleGenetics and behavioral medicine: risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
DateJanuary 1st, 1970
Issue nameBehavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.)
Issue numberv22.4:141-9
AuthorsVogler GP, McClearn GE, Snieder H, Boomsma DI, Palmer R, de Knijff P & Slagboom PE
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