Prenatal and peri-natal events play a fundamental role in health, development of diseases and ageing (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)). Research on the determinants of active and healthy ageing is a priority to: (i) inform strategies for reducing societal and individual costs of an ageing population and (ii) develop effective novel prevention strategies. It is important to compare the trajectories of respiratory diseases with those of other chronic diseases.

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TitleDevelopmental determinants in non-communicable chronic diseases and ageing.
DateJune 1st, 2015
Issue nameThorax
Issue numberv70.6:595-7
AuthorsBousquet J, Anto JM, Berkouk K, Gergen P, Antunes JP, Augé P, Camuzat T, Bringer J, Mercier J, Best N, Bourret R, Akdis M, Arshad SH, Bedbrook A, Berr C, Bush A, Cavalli G, Charles MA, Clavel-Chapelon F, Gillman M, Gold DR, Goldberg M, Holloway JW, Iozzo P, Jacquemin S, Jeandel C, Kauffmann F, Keil T, Koppelman GH, Krauss-Etschmann S, Kuh D, Lehmann S, Carlsen KC, Maier D, Méchali M, Melén E, Moatti JP, Momas I, Nérin P, Postma DS, Ritchie K, Robine JM, Samolinski B, Siroux V, Slagboom PE, Smit HA, Sunyer J, Valenta R, Van de Perre P, Verdier JM, Vrijheid M, Wickman M, Yiallouros P & Zins M
KeywordsAsthma, COPD ÀÜ Mechanisms, Paediatric asthma
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