
The absence of a uniform and clinically relevant definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage hampers comparative studies and optimization of clinical management. The concept of persistent postpartum haemorrhage, based on refractoriness to initial first-line treatment, was proposed as an alternative to common definitions that are either based on estimations of blood loss or transfused units of packed red blood cells (RBC). We compared characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage captured by these three types of definitions.


In this large retrospective cohort study in 61 hospitals in the Netherlands we included 1391 consecutive women with postpartum haemorrhage who received either ≥4 units of RBC or a multicomponent transfusion. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage defined as persistent postpartum haemorrhage were compared to definitions based on estimated blood loss or transfused units of RBC within 24 h following birth. Adverse maternal outcome was a composite of maternal mortality, hysterectomy, arterial embolisation and intensive care unit admission.


One thousand two hundred sixty out of 1391 women (90.6%) with postpartum haemorrhage fulfilled the definition of persistent postpartum haemorrhage. The majority, 820/1260 (65.1%), fulfilled this definition within 1 h following birth, compared to 819/1391 (58.7%) applying the definition of ≥1 L blood loss and 37/845 (4.4%) applying the definition of ≥4 units of RBC. The definition persistent postpartum haemorrhage captured 430/471 adverse maternal outcomes (91.3%), compared to 471/471 (100%) for ≥1 L blood loss and 383/471 (81.3%) for ≥4 units of RBC. Persistent postpartum haemorrhage did not capture all adverse outcomes because of missing data on timing of initial, first-line treatment.


The definition persistent postpartum haemorrhage identified women with severe postpartum haemorrhage at an early stage of haemorrhage, unlike definitions based on blood transfusion. It also captured a large majority of adverse maternal outcomes, almost as large as the definition of ≥1 L blood loss, which is commonly applied as a definition of postpartum haemorrhage rather than severe haemorrhage.

Overview publication

TitleClinical characteristics of women captured by extending the definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage with ‘refractoriness to treatment’: a cohort study.
DateOctober 17th, 2019
Issue nameBMC pregnancy and childbirth
Issue numberv19.1:361
AuthorsHenriquez DDCA, Gillissen A, Smith SM, Cramer RA, van den Akker T, Zwart JJ, van Roosmalen JJM, Bloemenkamp KWM & van der Bom JG
InfoTeMpOH-1 study group, Adriaanse HJ, van den Akker ESA, Baas MI, Bank CMC, van Beek E, de Boer BA, de Boer K, van der Borden DMR, Bremer HA, Brons JTJ, Burggraaff JM, Ceelie H, Chon H, Cikot JLM, Delemarre FMC, Diris JHC, Kleffens MD, van Dooren IMA, van Duijnhoven JLP, van Dunné FM, Duvekot JJ, Engbers P, Hulst MJWVE, Feitsma H, Fouraux MA, Franssen MTM, Frasa MAM, van Gammeren AJ, van Gemund N, van der Graaf F, de Groot CJM, Hackeng CM, van der Ham DP, Hanssen MJCP, Hasaart THM, Hendriks HA, Henskens YMC, Hermsen BBJ, Hogenboom S, Hooker A, Hudig F, Huijssoon AMG, Huisjes AJM, Jonker N, Kabel PJ, van Kampen C, de Keijzer MH, van de Kerkhof DH, Keuren JFW, Kleiverda G, Klinkspoor JH, Koehorst SGA, Kok M, Kok RD, de Kok JB, Koops A, Kortlandt W, Langenveld J, Leers MPG, Leyte A, de Mare A, Martens GDM, Meekers JH, van Meir CA, Metz GCH, Michielse ECHJ, Mostert LJ, Bijvank SWHN, Oostenveld E, Osmanovic N, Oudijk MA, Pagano Mirani-Oostdijk C, van Pampus ECM, Papatsonis DNM, Peters RHM, Ponjee GAE, Pontesilli M, Porath MM, Post MS, Pouwels JGJ, Prinzen L, Roelofsen JMT, Rondeel JJM, van der Salm PCM, Scheepers HCJ, Schippers DH, Schuitemaker NWE, Sikkema JM, Slomp J, Smit JW, Lange YSS, van der Stappen JWJ, Steures P, Tax GHM, Treskes M, Ulenkate HJLM, van Unnik GA, van der Veen BS, Verhagen TEM, Versendaal J, Visschers B, Visser O, Visser H, de Vooght KMK, de Vries MJ, de Waard H, Weerkamp F, Weinans MJN, de Wet H, van Wijnen M, van Wijngaarden WJ, de Wit AC, Woiski MD
KeywordsDefinition, Maternal morbidity, Maternal mortality, Postpartum haemorrhage
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