In dementia, neuropathological changes alter the perception and expression of pain. For clinicians and family members, this knowledge gap leads to difficulties in recognizing and assessing chronic pain, which may consequently result in persons with dementia receiving lower levels of pain medication compared to those without cognitive impairment. Although this situation seems to have improved in recent years, considerable geographical variation persists. Over the last decade, opioid use has received global attention as a result of overuse and the risk of addiction, while the literature on older persons with dementia actually suggests undertreatment. This review stresses the importance of reliable assessment and the regular evaluation and monitoring of symptoms in persons with dementia. Based on current evidence, we concluded that chronic pain is still undertreated in dementia.

© 2021 Achterberg et al.

Overview publication

TitleAre Chronic Pain Patients with Dementia Being Undermedicated?
DateJanuary 1st, 2021
Issue nameJournal of pain research
Issue numberv14:431-439
AuthorsAchterberg WP, Erdal A, Husebo BS, Kunz M & Lautenbacher S
Keywordsanalgesic treatment, assessment, dementia, pain
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