
SNP panels that uniquely identify an individual are useful for genetic and forensic research. Previously recommended SNP panels are based on DNA profiles and mostly contain intragenic SNPs. With the increasing interest in RNA expression profiles, we aimed for establishing a SNP panel for both DNA and RNA-based genotyping.


To determine a small set of SNPs with maximally discriminative power, genotype calls were obtained from DNA and blood-derived RNA sequencing data belonging to healthy, geographically dispersed, Dutch individuals. SNPs were selected based on different criteria like genotype call rate, minor allele frequency, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium. A panel of 50 SNPs was sufficient to identify an individual uniquely: the probability of identity was 6.9 × 10- 20 when assuming no family relations and 1.2 × 10- 10 when accounting for the presence of full sibs. The ability of the SNP panel to uniquely identify individuals on DNA and RNA level was validated in an independent population dataset. The panel is applicable to individuals from European descent, with slightly lower power in non-Europeans. Whereas most of the genes containing the 50 SNPs are expressed in various tissues, our SNP panel needs optimization for other tissues than blood.


This first DNA/RNA SNP panel will be useful to identify sample mix-ups in biomedical research and for assigning DNA and RNA stains in crime scenes to unique individuals.

Overview publication

TitleA SNP panel for identification of DNA and RNA specimens.
DateJanuary 25th, 2018
Issue nameBMC genomics
Issue numberv19.1:90
AuthorsYousefi S, Abbassi-Daloii T, Kraaijenbrink T, Vermaat M, Mei H, van 't Hof P, van Iterson M, Zhernakova DV, Claringbould A, Franke L, 't Hart LM, Slieker RC, van der Heijden A, de Knijff P & 't Hoen PAC
InfoBIOS consortium, Jansen R, van Meurs JB, Heijmans BT, Boomsma DI, van Dongen J, Hottenga JJ, Slagboom PE, Suchiman HED, van Iterson M, van Zwet EW, 't Hoen PA, Pool R, van Greevenbroek MM, Stehouwer CD, van der Kallen CJ, Schalkwijk CG, Wijmenga C, Zhernakova A, Tigchelaar EF, Beekman M, Deelen J, van Heemst D, Veldink JH, van den Berg LH, van Duijn CM, Hofman BA, Uitterlinden AG, Jhamai PM, Verbiest M, Verkerk M, van der Breggen R, van Rooij J, Lakenberg N, Mei H, Bot J, Zhernakova DV, Van't Hof P, Deelen P, Nooren I, Moed M, Vermaat M, Bonder MJ, van Dijk F, van Galen M, Arindrarto W, Kielbasa SM, Swertz MA, Isaacs A, Franke L
KeywordsBiobanking, Forensics, Genetic variation, Mix up samples, Sample tracking
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