
Cognitive impairment is common after acute ischemic stroke, affecting up to 75% of the patients. About half of the patients will show recovery, whereas the others will remain cognitively impaired or deteriorate. It is difficult to predict these different cognitive outcomes.


The objective of this study is to investigate whether diffusion tensor imaging-based measures of brain connectivity predict cognitive recovery after 1 year, in addition to patient characteristics and stroke severity. A specific premise of the Prediction of Cognitive Recovery After Stroke (PROCRAS) study is that it is conducted in a daily practice setting.


The PROCRAS study is a prospective, mono-center cohort study conducted in a large teaching hospital in the Netherlands. A total of 350 patients suffering from an ischemic stroke who screen positive for cognitive impairment on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA<26) in the acute stage will undergo a 3Tesla-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T-MRI) with a diffusion-weighted sequence and a neuropsychological assessment. Patients will be classified as being unimpaired, as having a mild vascular cognitive disorder, or as having a major vascular cognitive disorder. One year after stroke, patients will undergo follow-up neuropsychological assessment. The primary endpoint is recovery of cognitive function 1 year after stroke in patients with a confirmed poststroke cognitive disorder. The secondary endpoint is deterioration of cognitive function in the first year after stroke.


The study is already ongoing for 1.5 years, and thus far, 252 patients have provided written informed consent. Final results are expected in June 2019.


The PROCRAS study will show the additional predictive value of diffusion tensor imaging-based measures of brain connectivity for cognitive outcome at 1 year in patients with a poststroke cognitive disorder in a daily clinical practice setting.

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©Hugo P Aben, Yael D Reijmer, Johanna MA Visser-Meily, Jacoba M Spikman, Jeroen de Bresser, Geert Jan Biessels, Paul LM de Kort. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (, 28.05.2018.

Overview publication

TitleA Role for New Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Modalities in Daily Clinical Practice: Protocol of the Prediction of Cognitive Recovery After Stroke (PROCRAS) Study.
DateMay 28th, 2018
Issue nameJMIR research protocols
Issue numberv7.5:e127
AuthorsAben HP, Reijmer YD, Visser-Meily JM, Spikman JM, de Bresser J, Biessels GJ & de Kort PL
Keywordsanisotropy, brain infarction, cognitive dysfunction, diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, stroke
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