Dear LEGend Theme Members,
On September 22nd, a third LUMC call for PhD proposals came out. Information regarding this call can be found on Albinusnet. Below you will find the call text of this round and the format for the application.
The internal review procedure for proposals submitted at the LEGend theme will be the same as in the second round last year, and will include evaluation of the proposals by internal independent expert reviewers. Based on these reviews, we will select two proposals (one of which is LEGend-prioritized) that will be submitted on behalf of our theme to the Research Council, where final selection will take place.
The reviewers will apply the following three criteria for ranking the submissions:
- Quality of applicant: how would you rate the applicant (based on the CV) as a promising early career group leader/talented high potential with an own signature? Score: 1–5 (1= highest score, 5=lowest score)
- Quality of the proposal: how would you rate the novelty of the research questions, quality of the proposed methodology, feasibility of the proposed work, publication chances? Score: 1–5 (1= highest score, 5=lowest score)
- External follow-up funding: how would you rate the chances for successful external follow-up funding of the proposed work within 2 years? Score: 1–3 (1= high, 2=low, 3= no idea)
New in this round is that in the reviewing process we will prioritize on applications that fit in the strategy and focus that will be chosen on the LEGend Retreat October 17th. So, for those considering to apply at LEGend, we recommend you to be present at the Retreat to which you all have all been invited.
Applications for PhD projects at the research theme LEGend should be submitted to Diana van Heemst, attached you will find more information about the format for the application.
The deadline to send in your application is October 26, 12.00h.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes on behalf of the full LEGend board,
Diana van Heemst,
Secretary Theme Lifecourse Epidemiology and Geroscience
Deadline for submission to the MT of the Research theme: 26 October 2022 12:00h
Selected projects by the theme to the Research Council: 23 November 2022
Meeting of the Research Council committee: Early December 2022
Ranking submitted to Research Board Mid/End December 2022
Communication about the results End December 2022
Event summary
Event | Internal Call for the Funding of PhD Projects |
Date | October 26th, 2022 |