prof. dr. Eline Slagboom was chosen as one of the 23 new members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW). The members consist of prominent scientists covering multiple disciplines and are chosen based on their academic performance. For over thirty years Prof. Eline Slagboom is at the lead of national as well as international state of the art aging research. Eline Slagboom (LUMC) is professor in the Molecular Epidemiology, chair of the Dutch society for Research on Aging, and she leads the DuSRA-VOILA (Vitality Oriented Innovations for the Lifecourse of the Ageing Society) collaboration.
Eline.: ‘Research into the biology of aging is very close to my heart. Personal events during life make you mentally stronger but may also increase physical vulnerability and observed molecular aging. As Mae West said, “Ageing is not for sissies”. Diversity in aging is a theme that connects multiple disciplines. Within the KNAW I hope to meet co-thinkers and gain inspiration for my research and that within the Dutch Society for Research on Ageing.
On May 25, 2021