PhD candidate Neuroradiology
Ingmar Eiling is a PhD candidate working on brain imaging in the department of Radiology and the C.J. Gorter MRI Center. His focus lies on brain waste clearance imaging in elderly using high-field MRI, as well as investigating age-related cerebral white matter degeneration. He started his PhD candidacy in July 2022 and is part of the LEGend Theme through his co-supervisor from Neuroradiology, dr. Jeroen de Bresser.
PhD candidate in Medical Oncology
Asli Özkan is a PhD candidate researching immunosenescence. Her focus lies on elderly patients with melanoma treated with immunotherapy. After gaining clinical experience at the department of Internal Medicine, she started her PhD candidacy in September 2021 and is part of the LEGend Theme through her co-supervisor from Medical Oncology, Dr. Nienke de Glas.
PhD student Molecular Epidemiology
Kerstin Schorr is a PhD student at the department of Molecular Epidemiology under the supervision of Eline Slagboom and Marian Beekman focused on plant-based diets and their association with health and well-being in older adults. As part of a Marie-Curie funded research project on healthy ageing, her PhD is a collaboration between industry and academia.